Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Friendship Award

I received this perfect blend of friendship award from over 3000 miles away from Becca from Folk Art From The Harbor ;-)

Here are my Questions and Answers
1. Do you have the same friends since childhood?
Very few. My Dad retired from the Army after 34 years; we moved on the average every 2-3 years, sometimes more often; I went to 3 high schools (Germany, Virginia, and North Carolina)
2. What do you value most about your friends?
Honesty and Integrity.
3. Are your friends sounding boards?
4. What is your favorite activity to share with friends?
Becca is my best friend ….
When I lived in Washington we did craft shows and sold through AAFES ... We traveled the roads making our wholesale deliveries - because all of our local accounts we delivered in person, weekly ... ;-) When we went on our deliveries, we shopped, had coffee, ate lunch, and found new stores! It was a lot of fun.

Well, Home Is Where The Army Sends Us ... and I am in Florida now ... so we email, mail, but mostly talk on the phone ... several times a day ... for a LONG time … we talk about designing, cameras, taxes, sports, dinner, kids' school, world news ... you name it ... oh yeah and Starbucks