Thursday, January 21, 2010

Old Glory Soldiers Handmade Wares for Sale

All Items Include Shipping

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Old Glory Soldiers Handmade Wooden Wares

Please email me at if the PayPal button doesn't work. This is my first time attempting to use a PayPal pay button. Thanks.


Dani said...

Love all your goodies! I have added few to my wish list. Hope to get them soon. Thanks for showing~

Kitty said...

The buttermilk washboard is beautiful! I never knew that is what they were!

Old Glory Soldiers said...

Thank you both!

Dani, please let me know if you need any other items in different colors too.

Kitty, I love the wooden smalls! They allow me to be creative and have fun!

Have a Blessed Day, Tina

Boggy Creek Stitches & Loops said...

Your items are wonderful as always Tina! Good idea using the paypal button on your blog ~ I wouldn't know how to do that.
Smiles ~ Marte