Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New Beeswax Goodes from OGS

I have just made these beeswax goodes and introduced them at my Ezcraftshow at special prices that include shipping available through March 14.

Visit for our show special information and to find out another clue about our drawing coming soon!


Kitty said...

These look absolutely wonderful!!

Victorian Chocolate Molds said...

I love your molded beeswax figures! Beeswax really shows off the wonderful detail of the chocolate molds!

Back In Tyme Primitives said...

~~Love these~~ they are awesome!!
Very Prim....are they still available at the special craft price or I'm too


Old Glory Soldiers said...

Thank you all for the compliments!

Donna, which ones were you interested in? You can email me at directly if you prefer :-)

Have a Blessed Weekend All,