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We are getting ready to release our offering of Primitive Greeting Cards. Get them while you can because they always go quick! These are great for framing small prints, you can hang them or tuck them into your buttery.Our Primitive Greeting Cards Are Now Available On Our Site!! They are listed under the Needfuls Category!
We are also getting ready to release our new line of Primitive Reed Diffusers, and are bringing back our handmade goatsmilk soap!
We just received our first blog award from Marte at Boggy Creek Primitives! Thank you Marte!
1) Becca from Folk Art From The Harbor ... she has been one of my driving (okay pushing ... lol) forces for years ... now we are over 3000 miles away and still offer encouragement to each other by talking and emailing daily with few exceptions ...
2) Karen at KMPrimitives ... she has been sharing her home and talents for years, and is always there to give a smile she shares on a great blog called My Colonial Home
3) Deena a true inspiration!! Whether it is the beauty she finds in the changing Fall seasons, or in that of God's gift of a woodpecker's song Deena's story is a truly amazing, must read for everyone ...
4) Jody at Star Spangled Pretties A wonderful doll maker! I am so excited to have found her blog and to have been fortunate enough to give one of her most recent dolls a home!
Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!
Follow this link to enter a drawing for a chance at a fabulous Marie Therese gown.
Marie Therese was the only daughter of Marie Antoinette ...
Hurry before before its too late ...tomorrow is the last day!!!
We just found this gorgeous gown ... and we wanted to share it with you!
I just had to make some of these Early Beeswax Dirty Corn Ears with my Wagner Junior Rusty Corn Cobs 1920 antique cast iron corn muffin / bread pan that my Uncle recently gave me!!I have aged beeswax using my special recipe and then added some special dirty, grungy paper too, and some "corn silk", and bound it all together with heavy jute!
I will be adding these to my site later ...thanks for looking!!Prim Blessin's, Tina
I just finished this design this past weekend and wanted to share! I liked it so much I wanted to keep it, but I decided to give it to one of my wholesale customers instead! Maybe I will make myself one!!The Little Drummer Boy is my favorite Christmas story and song. I even have an ornament from when I was a child, and it is always one of my favorites to hang on the tree.
I can't wait to watch the old Christmas movies, and drink hot cocoa and give thanks for my many blessings, because that is what Christmas is really supposed to be about ... I am blessed all year long with all the gifts that I have been given ... the gift of God, my family, and friends.
This is an email I received from my cousin in Georgia ... she is a teacher, and as you can tell she is very compassionate about her students .... please read Andrew's story and if you feel it in your heart vote for him ... all it takes is a click of a button ...
"Thought y'all would want to help Andrew out. For those of you who don't know, I taught Andrew in the 6th grade. He is a VERY intelligent young man. It used to bother me tremendously that Andrew was so smart, yet so sickly. I just couldn't understand why God would allow someone of such wonderful intelligence to have a dreadful disease. Well, you live and learn. Andrew has a purpose in life and it is to touch the hearts of all the people he meets. He even came back to Bainbridge and taught one year at Hutto last year. Thanks in advance for helping him out! Have a great day!"
This is the original email she received from Andrew ...
Scholarship: Vote for Andrew Wilson!!!
On Behalf Of Andrew Wilson Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 11:44 A
"Greetings,I hope this message finds you all well up in Bainbridge. I have recently moved to Gainesville, FL, where I am attending the Episcopal campus ministry here at the University of Florida. I have been very involved with the campus ministry, and it is so heartening to be involved in a very energetic, optimistic, and spiritual group of young Episcopalians. I can truly feel God's presence and see his work in the lives of the students here. :) If any of you ever find yourself driving through here on a Sunday evening (or anytime) feel free to stop by! :)
I'm emailing this to you all to announce that I am a finalist for a scholarship relating to Cystic Fibrosis! As a finalist, I am one of 40 candidates for a $10,000 scholarship to be awarded in a few weeks. The sole criterion for the scholarship is to receive the most number of votes online. I would like to ask all of you to please vote for me if/when you have the opportunity. A few things to remember about the scholarship:1. One vote per day per computer (so if you've got access to multiple computers - that's multiple votes)2. The contest continues on for 30 days, so that's 30 opportunities to vote -- remember to vote often!You can read my scholarship essay and see my creative presentation online. Please follow the below link to vote for me, and please pass this on to anyone else you feel may be willing to support me. :)
I hope and pray that all is well up in Bainbridge. Even though I'm in the Diocese of Florida now, I enjoy keeping tabs on all the goings on at St. John's Bainbridge and the DoG.
Kindest regards, Andrew Wilson"